spiritual direction

spiritual direction

what it is

Spiritual direction, also called spiritual companionship, is a practice of accompanying a person through the contours of their life, listening for the presence, movement, and voice of Spirit.

Through listening and reflecting in a confidential setting of compassion and prayer, both the director and directee seek to discern God’s leading. Spiritual direction assumes that the Holy is at work in every area of our lives: relationships, work, school, leisure, and quiet. Recognizing that the Spirit is the true director of our lives, we offer a space for individuals to “take a long, loving look at the real” so that they may respond with greater freedom to the call on their lives.

how we practice

We offer spiritual direction in person in our office in downtown Winston-Salem North Carolina, USA and virtually via Zoom. Typically we meet once a month, but that can shift depending on the needs and interests of directees. A spiritual direction covenant guides the work of director and directee and makes clear the commitments we are making together.

The fee for a 50-minute session of spiritual direction is $100, but each person is asked to pay according to their ability.

where to connect

If you are a potential new client and want to learn more about spiritual direction, please contact us.

Current spiritual directees may schedule an appointment online.